1. Lewin's genes x

by Krebs, Jocelyn E; Goldstein, Elliott S; Kilpatrick, Stephen T.

Publisher: Boston Jones and Bartlett Publishers c2011Availability: Copies available for loan: CIFRI LIBRARY [576.5 LEW/L] (1).

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2. Lewin's essential genes

by Krebs, Jocelyn E; Goldstein, Elliott S; Kilpatrick, stephen T.

Edition: 2nd edition Publisher: Boston Jones and Bartlett Publishers c2010Availability: Copies available for loan: CIFRI LIBRARY [576.5 KRE/L] (1).

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3. Alcamo's fundamentals of microbiology

by Pommerville, Jeffrey; Alcamo, I. Edward.

Edition: 9th edition Publisher: Boston Jones and Bartlett Publishers c2011Availability: Copies available for loan: CIFRI LIBRARY [616.9 POM/A] (1). Withdrawn (1).

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Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute