1. Remote sensing and modeling : advances in coastal and marine resources

by Finkl, Charles W; Makowski, Christopher.

Publisher: New York Springer 2014Availability: Copies available for loan: CIFRI LIBRARY [621.3678 FIN/R] (1).

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2. The sundarbans : a disaster prone eco region : increasing livelihood security

by Sen, H. S.

Publisher: Cham , Switzerland : Springer , 2019Availability: Copies available for loan: CIFRI LIBRARY [577.0954] (1). Withdrawn (1).

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3. Coastal Wetlands: Alteration and Remediation

by Finkl, Charles W; Makowski, Christopher.

Edition: 1st ed. 2017. Availability: Copies available for loan: CIFRI LIBRARY [551.457] (1).

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Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute